Single person ticket from Blanes / Lloret de Mar to Girona / Figueres, and return, valid during one whole day without restrictions. We'll take you to Girona and Dal's home town to see some of his famous masterpieces. On sale at Lloret de Mar and Blanes bus stations.
price: 18,00 €
10 journey one-person travel card for all forms of transport depending on the areas through which you travel (a maximum of 6 zones may be paid). Not valid in the metro stations of Aeroport T1 and Aeroport T2 pertaining of L9 Sud line.
zone price 1: 12,55 €
zone price 2: 24,65 €
zone price 3: 33,55 €
zone price 4: 43,15 €
zone price 5: 49,55 €
zone price 6: 52,70 €
Non-transferrable ticket valid for unlimited journeys within a 24-hour period from validation until close of service on that day within the zones specified by the initial validation and on all forms of transport based on the zones they pass through (payment for six zones maximum). A maximum of one return journey starting or ending at the metro stations of Aeroport T1 and Aeroport T2 on L9 Sud is permitted.
zone price 1: 11,55 €
zone price 2: 17,65 €
zone price 3: 22,15 €
zone price 4: 24,75 €
zone price 5: 27,70 €
zone price 6: 31,00 €
Personal and non-transferable ticket, with an unlimited number of integrated journeys on 30 consecutive days, in the zones defined by the first first validation, on all modes of transport depending on the zones travelled through (maximum payment 6 zones). Must be accompanied by a national identity document, foreigner identity document or passport.
zone price 1: 22,00 €
zone price 2: 29,65 €
zone price 3: 41,60 €
zone price 4: 50,90 €
zone price 5: 58,35 €
zone price 6: 62,55 €
Personal and non-transferable ticket, with an unlimited number of integrated journeys on 30 consecutive days, in the zones defined by the first validation, on all modes of transport depending on the zones travelled through. Personalized card by mean of ID card for people unemployed in job search process. More information about requirements, procedures and points of sale: 012 or
zone price 1: 5,50 €
zone price 2: 5,50 €
zone price 3: 5,50 €
zone price 4: 5,50 €
zone price 5: 5,50 €
zone price 6: 5,50 €
A personal, non-transferable ticket for young people under 30 (you must be under 30 when you purchase it and validate it for the first time), with an unlimited number of multi-transport journeys on 90 consecutive days using all the integrated services in the 6 price rings of the Barcelona ATM. It must be accompanied by an ID card (DNI), Foreigner’s Identification Number (NIE) or passport.
price: 44,00 €
Multi-user timetable-restricted ticket, for 70 integrated journeys on 30 consecutive days from the first validation, on all modes of transport depending on the zones travelled through (maximum payment 6 zones).Not valid in the metro stations of Aeroport T1 and Aeroport T2 pertaining of L9 Sud line.
zone price 1: 87,95 €
zone price 2: 172,45 €
zone price 3: 234,75 €
zone price 4: 301,70 €
zone price 5: 346,75 €
zone price 6: 368,70 €
Personal and non-transferable ticket for members of single-parent and numerous families with general category, with an unlimited number of trips integrated in 30 consecutive days from the first validation, in all modes of transport according the zones to cross (maximum payment 6 zones). It must be accompanied by the DNI, NIE or passport and card of single-parent or large families.Only on sale at Granollers and Manresa bus stations.
zone price 1: 17,60 €
zone price 2: 23,70 €
zone price 3: 33,25 €
zone price 4: 40,70 €
zone price 5: 46,75 €
zone price 6: 50,05 €
A multi-person timed ticket for 8 integrated journeys on 30 consecutive days as of its first use, on all means of transport for the number of zones purchased (maximum charge 6 zones). Not valid for the Aeroport T1 and Aeroport T2 metro station stops on line L9 Sud.
zone price 1: 11,05 €
zone price 2: 20,95 €
zone price 3: 29,70 €
zone price 4: 38,50 €
zone price 5: 44,00 €
zone price 6: 46,20 €
Personal and non-transferable ticket for members of single-parent and numerous families with special category, with an unlimited number of trips integrated in 30 consecutive days from the first validation, in all modes of transport according the zones to cross (maximum payment 6 zones). It must be accompanied by the DNI, NIE or passport and card of single-parent or large families.Only on sale at Granollers and Manresa bus stations.
zone price 1: 11,00 €
zone price 2: 14,80 €
zone price 3: 20,80 €
zone price 4: 25,45 €
zone price 5: 29,25 €
zone price 6: 31,30 €
A personal, non-transferable ticket for members of general-category single-parent and large families under 30 (you must be under 30 when you purchase it and validate it for the first time), with an unlimited number of multi-transport journeys on 90 consecutive days using all the integrated services in the 6 price rings of the Barcelona ATM. It must be accompanied by an ID card (DNI), Foreigner’s Identification Number (NIE) or passport and a single-parent or large family card. For sale only at Granollers and Manresa bus stations.
price: 35,20 €
A personal, non-transferable ticket for members of special-category single-parent and large families under 30 (you must be under 30 when you purchase it and validate it for the first time), with an unlimited number of multi-transport journeys on 90 consecutive days using all the integrated services in the 6 price rings of the Barcelona ATM. It must be accompanied by an ID card (DNI), Foreigner’s Identification Number (NIE) or passport and a single-parent or large family card. For sale only at Granollers and Manresa bus stations.
price: 22,00 €
Multi-user timetable-restricted ticket for single-parent and large families in general category. 70 trips integrated in 90 consecutive days from the first validation in all modes of transport according to the zones to cross (from 1 to 6 zones). It must be accompanied by the DNI, NIE or passport and card of single-parent or large families.Only on sale at Granollers and Manresa bus stations.
zone price 1: 34,95 €
zone price 2: 69,00 €
zone price 3: 93,90 €
zone price 4: 120,70 €
zone price 5: 138,70 €
zone price 6: 147,45 €
Multi-user timetable-restricted ticket for single-parent and large families in special category. 70 trips integrated in 90 consecutive days from the first validation in all modes of transport according to the zones to cross (from 1 to 6 zones). It must be accompanied by the DNI, NIE or passport and card of single-parent or large families.Only on sale at Granollers and Manresa bus stations.
zone price 1: 21,85 €
zone price 2: 43,15 €
zone price 3: 58,70 €
zone price 4: 75,40 €
zone price 5: 86,70 €
zone price 6: 92,15 €
The T-Verda is a 3-year individual non-transferable travel card valid for unlimited free journeys on all public transport services within the 6 tariff rings, provided that the holder is aged 18 or over, is registered as a resident in the area covered by the Barcelona Metropolitan Transport Authority and fulfils the necessary conditions. This travel card must be requested from the municipality in which you are registered.
This is a multi-person, timetable-based option which allows the user to make 10 trips within the period that a fare remains unchanged. Users may use all forms of transport in the zones (from 1 to 3 zones). This fare option allows 10, 20 and 30 trips to be loaded. Validity of fare option: until the fare is changed.
zone price 1: 6,20 €
zone price 2: 11,85 €
zone price 3: 16,50 €
This is a single-person, timetable based fare option which allows the user to make 10 trips in 30 days in the area in which the fare option is first validated. Users may use all forms of transport in the zones (from 1 to 3 zones). Validity of fare option: 30 consecutive days from the date of the first validation.
zone price 1: 5,15 €
zone price 2: 9,30 €
zone price 3: 12,35 €
This is a personalised fare option which allows the user to make an unlimited number of trips in the area in which the fare option is first validated. Users may use all forms of transport in the zones (from 1 to 3 zones). This fare option can only be loaded onto personalised fare cards. Validity of fare option: 30 consecutive days from the date of the first validation.
zone price 1: 25,75 €
zone price 2: 38,65 €
zone price 3: 51,50 €
This is a single-person, timetable based fare option which allows the user to make 50 journeys in 30 days in the area in which the fare option is first validated. Users may use all forms of transport in the zones (from 1 to 3 zones). Validity of fare option: 30 consecutive days from the date of the first validation.
zone price 1: 18,05 €
zone price 2: 28,35 €
zone price 3: 39,65 €
This can be a personalised or an anonymous fare option and is only for members of single-parent and large families. This fare option allows users to make 70 complete journeys using all forms of transport available in the desired zones (from 1 to 3 zones). Discounts are either general or special (20% or 50%). Validity: 90 consecutive days from the date of the first validation.
zone price 1: 34,60 €
zone price 2: 66,35 €
zone price 3: 92,40 €
This can be a personalised or an anonymous fare option and is only for members of single-parent and large families. This fare option allows users to make 70 complete journeys using all forms of transport available in the desired zones (from 1 to 3 zones). Discounts are either general or special (20% or 50%). Validity: 90 consecutive days from the date of the first validation.
zone price 1: 21,65 €
zone price 2: 41,50 €
zone price 3: 57,75 €
This is a personalised fare option which allows the user to make an unlimited number of trips in the area in which the fare option is first validated. Users may use all forms of transport in the zones (from 1 to 3 zones). This fare option can only be loaded onto personalised fare cards. Discounts are either general or special (20% or 50%). Validity of fare option: 30 consecutive days from the date of the first validation.
zone price 1: 20,60 €
zone price 2: 30,90 €
zone price 3: 41,20 €
This is a personalised fare option which allows the user to make an unlimited number of trips in the area in which the fare option is first validated. Users may use all forms of transport in the zones (from 1 to 3 zones). This fare option can only be loaded onto personalised fare cards. Discounts are either general or special (20% or 50%). Validity of fare option: 30 consecutive days from the date of the first validation.
zone price 1: 12,90 €
zone price 2: 19,30 €
zone price 3: 25,75 €
This is a personalised fare option which allows the user to make an unlimited number of trips in the area in which the fare option is first validated. Users may use all forms of transport in the zones (1 zone). This fare option can only be loaded onto personalised fare cards. Fares with discount for unemployed people. Validity of fare option: 30 consecutive days from the date of the first validation.
zone price 1: 6,20 €
zone price 2: 6,20 €
zone price 3: 6,20 €
Personal, non-transferable transport ticket, aimed at minors between 4 and 16 years of age (both included) which allows unlimited use of the public transport services integrated within the fare zone of the municipality where the card holder resides. This card replaces the T12. This substitution can be made when the person in charge reaches the age of 13.
A free transport ticket for use on 100 unimodal journeys for any type of bus travel (urban or inter-city) within the municipalities that form part of Transgran (Granollers, La Roca del Vallés, Les Franqueses del Vallès and Canovelles). This ticket is valid for one person only and is non-transferrable. Offer valid until the next price amendment. Retirees and pensioners registered as residents in Granollers, Canovelles, Les Franqueses del Vallès or La Roca del Vallès, who meet the requirements established by the four municipalities, are eligible for this ticket. Tickets can be applied for at the Citizen’s Advice and Information Bureau (OAC) in Granollers, Canovelles, Les Franqueses del Vallès or La Roca del Vallès.
A free transport ticket for use on 100 unimodal journeys for any type of bus travel (urban or inter-city) within the municipalities that form part of Transgran (Granollers, La Roca del Vallés, Les Franqueses del Vallès and Canovelles). This ticket is valid for one person only and is non-transferrable. Offer valid until the next price amendment. Retirees and pensioners registered as residents in Granollers, Canovelles, Les Franqueses del Vallès or La Roca del Vallès, who meet the requirements established by the four municipalities, are eligible for this ticket. Tickets can be applied for at the Citizen’s Advice and Information Bureau (OAC) in Granollers, Canovelles, Les Franqueses del Vallès or La Roca del Vallès.
A free transport ticket for use on 100 unimodal journeys for any type of bus travel (urban or inter-city) within the municipalities that form part of Transgran (Granollers, La Roca del Vallés, Les Franqueses del Vallès and Canovelles). This ticket is valid for one person only and is non-transferrable. Offer valid until the next price amendment. Retirees and pensioners registered as residents in Granollers, Canovelles, Les Franqueses del Vallès or La Roca del Vallès, who meet the requirements established by the four municipalities, are eligible for this ticket. Tickets can be applied for at the Citizen’s Advice and Information Bureau (OAC) in Granollers, Canovelles, Les Franqueses del Vallès or La Roca del Vallès.
A free transport ticket for use on 100 unimodal journeys for any type of bus travel (urban or inter-city) within the municipalities that form part of Transgran (Granollers, La Roca del Vallés, Les Franqueses del Vallès and Canovelles). This ticket is valid for one person only and is non-transferrable. Offer valid until the next price amendment. Retirees and pensioners registered as residents in Granollers, Canovelles, Les Franqueses del Vallès or La Roca del Vallès, who meet the requirements established by the four municipalities, are eligible for this ticket. Tickets can be applied for at the Citizen’s Advice and Information Bureau (OAC) in Granollers, Canovelles, Les Franqueses del Vallès or La Roca del Vallès.
A ticket valid for 10 journeys using the Lloret de Mar urban service. A multiperson ticket allowing transfer between lines 11, 12 and 13. Transfers between lines must take place within 30 minutes to avoid being charged for a new journey. Valid until the next fare update.In the event of loss student pass, the money will not be refunded and the ticket must be repurchased.
price: 11,00 €
A ticket for unlimited travel within the 30 calendar days following first use on the Lloret de Mar urban service. Valid until the next fare update.Valid until the next fare update.In the event of loss student pass, the money will not be refunded and the ticket must be repurchased.
price: 28,00 €
A single-person travel pass for an unlimited number of journeys on the Lloret de Mar urban service for retired people and pensioners. It can only be used by registered people with a card for retirees or people under 65 years of age and pensioners with an absolute permanent disability or a degree of disability equal to or greater than 65%. Valid until the next change in fares. The money will not be refunded if it is lost and it will have to be repurchased.
price: 5,00 €
Individual bus pass for unlimited travel on the Lloret de Mar urban service for students up to 16 years of age. A valid ID and proof of studies in Lloret de Mar must be presented. This pass is only valid during the school year.Valid until the next fare update. You may purchase or renew your pass at the Sagalés ticket office. In the event of loss student pass, the money will not be refunded and the ticket must be repurchased.
price: 30,00 €
Individual 10 journey ticket valid for use in the Cardedeu town service. Persons registered as resident in Cardedeu, over 65s, students who could not enter the school centre as a first option and unemployed persons can purchase and use this ticket with a 33% discount or greater. Valid until next rate change.
Unlimited journey ticket for the Manresa urban service valid for persons residing in Manresa who comply with the criteria established by the Town Council. Individual ticket valid until next rate change.The card will be sent to the address at which you are registered, once the €6.45 fee has been paid.
Digital ticket valid on all Lloret de Mar urban routes. This pass allows unlimited travel for one calendar day, from the first time it is validated, on Lloret de Mar urban routes. The TDia can only be purchased on the LloretBus app or on the website by clicking here.
Valid until the next fare change.
price: 5,00 €
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